Updated on April 16th, 2024
Getting traffic to a blog isn’t a big deal but getting repeat visitors is indeed a big deal every blogger would want. Readers don’t just look for information. They want information that makes them move and act. That’s why mastering the art of writing a blog that converts readers into loyal subscribers is crucial. It involves implementing blog writing tips, structuring posts effectively, generating engaging content, and exploring various blog content ideas. It reflects a blogger’s unique voice and personality that makes readers want to subscribe and come again.
As a blogger, learning how to write a blog can be truly profitable. Having a personality in your content gives you an edge, your style and specific writing techniques will ensure that you are not kicked to the curb by your competition. It is the way of approaching the audience and readers to make a connection with them.
The “How” of writing a great blog post varies from blogger to blogger. In this blog, we will explore the essential elements and fundamental principles of blog post formatting, specifically aimed at beginners. By understanding these key aspects, you can enhance your writing style, create more valuable content, and make it easily readable and shareable.
A good blog post is not only informative but also entertaining at the same time.
A good blog post is a reflection of how creative you can be with a simple set of words. ~Sunita Biddu
Things That Project Your Unique Writing Style & Personality
1. The opening of the post
Crafting compelling introductions is a crucial aspect of writing blog posts.
Introductions are first impressions. You get to make them once. Your blog post introduction must have a hook. A great blog post opening is the bridge that carries your reader from an attention-grabbing headline to the body of your blog post. To captivate readers, focus on writing enticing headlines and crafting engaging blog post titles that hook your audience from the start.
2. The Conclusion
The conclusion of your article is the second most important part of the blog writing process. Mastering the art of writing a compelling conclusion is key to engaging and retaining your readers’ attention. Bring your whole blog to a logical conclusion and begin to lead your reader in the direction you ultimately want them to go….to the other side of the link to your offering or the action you want from them.
A conclusion can either connect you with them forever or lose it. Develop your own style of concluding within 4 or 5 sentences that flow easily and seamlessly. Build a concluding personality that stands out from the rest; a personality your readers can recognize.
Writing a summary of the whole blog post in 6-8 points is seen to impress the readers towards the conclusion.
You may find this post sharing 11 powerful ways of ending your blog post.
11 Powerful Ways to End a Blogpost & Get Actions from the Readers
3. Choose Your Words Wisely –
Your choice of words sets the mood of your readers.
Your words make your post entertaining, dry, provoking, boring or depressing. Focus on what your post needs to convey, what emotions will make them act and respond.
The exact words that you choose affect tone, attitude, imagery, and, voice. Just as with your speaking tone, your written tone can reveal any emotion or attitude a person can feel. Tone can be positive or negative, happy or sad, angry or peaceful, hopeful or desperate, and so on.
Here are two ways a father can ask his daughter about a boy he saw her walking with. Try reading them aloud to see the differences in tone and attitude. Keywords that show tone and attitude are in italics.
Father 1: “Who was that fool I saw you sneaking around with on the street?”
Father 2: “Was that your new Prince Charming I saw you with?”
Another way to ask the question would reveal a more neutral, matter-of-fact tone:
Father 3: “Who was that boy you were walking with?”
Word choice also affects imagery, the pictures created by your words in the mind of your reader. Certainly “fool” and “Prince Charming” make different pictures for the reader, but even less obvious words have their effects. Your readers will imagine how you want them to imagine. If they already came with a perception, your words can create contradictions.
Use your words wisely. That is the key to writing a great blog post.
Moreover, prefer using simple verbs and vocabulary over clever and fancy one. Stick to how you speak in your routine conversations. This will bring your personality to your posts.
4. Add emotions in the writing
The number one reason why most writers fail is that they write without passion.
They may begin with the passion but it’s usually lost in the subject and technicality. A reader can clearly tell if the author really feels what he says, or if the author is just waiting for the sake of it.
Passion connects emotions. Make an honest and true expression in your words. For example, if you don’t agree with the prevailing opinions in your industry, then don’t go along with them just because every other person feels that way. Find your voice and stand up with confidence and with passion.
It doesn’t matter if other people agree with you or not. Your readers will still appreciate you for speaking your mind with honesty. They will know that you have your own voice and that you speak your own opinions.
Eventually, your honesty and passion may result in people from your industry coming to you for your opinion about the next trending topic. They will turn to you because they know you speak with passion and that you don’t just go along with what everyone else is saying.
Successful authors and blogs with massive audiences are those who know how to write a blog around what they feel and are not pressured by the voices of others. Passion and honesty always build your credibility.
5. The Extras
Don’t let the reader know what’s coming next. Unpredictability keeps your writing fresh and unique and urges the reader to continue further and deeper. Don’t make it obvious what’s coming next. Create your own personal approach.
Moreover, you can also offer help to the readers in strong areas where you feel they might need it. It turns out to be the most powerful call-to-action in blogposts.
Incorporating storytelling into your blog posts can be a brilliant marketing strategy, especially when readers are fully engaged with your brand. By presenting a catalog or showcasing some of your work at the end of a captivating story, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience. This approach is particularly effective when writing blog post series that keep readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.
Things That Add More Power to Your Blog
People share posts that are useful, irresistible and well-written. Every time you have this question – how to write a blog format that inspires and makes money – Consider following these 14 ideas to making your posts more powerful and useful, eventually shareable.
1 – Know Who is the Reader and Identify the Expectations
Can you write without knowing your reader? Knowing your audience will not only help you create powerful and right content but also identify the goal of your blog.
- Now let’s answer a million-dollar question.
- What exactly are you doing with your blog?
- Are you looking for an audience for the subject you love?
- You’re looking for a subject that most of the audience love?
- Once you carefully figure this out, answer the following questions.
- What’s your audience’s age group?
- Are they primarily male or female?
- What do they do for a living?
- How keen they’re in reading what you will write?
- Where do they live?
Answers to these questions will help you decide the length of the posts, the tone, voice and even the frequency of your blogging.
While you’re working on your blog’s audience, understand and follow your competition. See who else they are reading and following.
Your competition an give you new ideas from their existing successful posts.
2 – Pick Your Subjects Carefully
The most encountered problem is that most of the writers are unable to find out the ways of expressing themselves. They might mix up the r ideas and it makes the readers lose interest.
You write compelling content in two cases.
- You’re truly passionate about the subject.
- The subject has the potential to make huge money.
If it is the first case, writing amazing and powerful content isn’t a challenge for a blogger who can express well. However, in the second case, consider hiring someone who holds practical knowledge and passion for the subject.
You can make money blogging with both cases. Make sure the readers get what they came looking for.
3 – Answer a Specific Question or Subject and Stay Focused Throughout
People don’t want answers. They want fast answers. They want accurate answers and information they can rely upon.
Make sure that you’re covering the important information and answer first. This will make the user feel being at the right place before they get into the details of a post.
Focus on providing a fast to understand information instead of making the post longer for search engines. Staying focused, sharp and relevant is more important than sharing too much information.
4 – Add Analogies and Stats
An example need not just be a ‘link – it can be some kind of a story or analogy that helps readers to unpack what you’re writing about.
Stories are particularly effective ways of opening blog posts – however, they are also useful within and at the end of posts. They engage the imagination of readers, help to reinforce what you’re saying and can be very persuasive tools.
Personal stories and experiences can also be useful at establishing common ground between you and your readers – something that makes people be able to relate to you.
5 – Add Opinions of Industry Experts
If you’re writing about ‘news’ or lining up to something another blogger is saying – don’t just report the news or tell your readers to go read something because ‘it’s good’ – tell your readers what you think about what you’re linking to.
Giving your opinion takes your post to a new depth, but adding others’ opinions add more authority and genuineness to your posts. It stimulates readers to think about their reaction to what they are reading, creates conversation, adds value and helps to make your post unique.
Whenever you are resharing someone’s posts, don’t just echo the news around the blogosphere – inject something of yourself into it.
6 – Keep the Language Simple
Simple is powerful.
Writing simple and fancy-free makes a reader connect faster with your blog and come back to follow your updates. So, make sure that what you write is easy to understand and fast to comprehend.
7 – Be Yourself
How you talk is unique.
How you write and convey your message is unique too. That’s what seta you apart from others. You may love someone’s writing style. You may see a huge following for other bloggers. But that shouldn’t make you change or copy others’ style. Rather work on improving your own style being you.
Stay YOU. It may take longer but people will remember you for your style and personality.
How to write a blog that shows your personality is under your control. take charge of your writing style.
8 – Be a Merciless Editor
Before publishing your blog, it is essential to engage in thorough editing and proofreading. Take the time to review your article for grammatical errors, sentence complexities, readability concerns, and spelling mistakes. Even a brilliantly written post loses its charm if it’s not edited well.
Edit until a grade 5 can read it.
9 – Add Visuals
Organizing blog content involves utilizing the “show-don’t-just-tell” technique, which allows readers to experience the story or content through actions, feelings, and visuals, rather than simple explanations. It’s rare to find someone who just enjoys reading blog posts for the fun of it rather than to get knowledge on a topic that they struggle with. By adding visuals to blog posts, readers are more engaged and can better comprehend the information provided.
10 – Writing Something Every day – Practice Originality
The more you write, the easier you get with conveying your message.
If you’re doing video blogging, record yourself more often. If you’re more of a visual blogger, keep drawing more ideas. You will become sharper with every practice.
I often get a question – how to write a blog every day without getting tired or bored. Answer is – either you got to love the subject or the subject has the potential to make a lot of money. If you have one of these then;
Keep a pen and notepad handy at all times. Just when you least expect it, something will happen or someone might say something that will set off a creative light bulb in your head for potential blogging subjects.
When you least expect it, one of your compositions just might land you that “big” break you’ve been waiting for.
11 – Create Urgency
Nothing conveys a sense of urgency quite like a deadline. Add notes and highlights here and there to subtly show the consequences and regard of the information you’re sharing.
12 – Avoid Uncommon Vocabulary
While you certainly don’t want to treat your readers as if they are stupid, try to use words that will be understood by people of average reading ability. Be particularly careful about slang, which can mean entirely different things in different countries, even if they speak the same language as you!
I found an interesting tool to weed out the cliches we innocently use.
13 – Add Humour, Wherever Possible
When you create valuable content that is also entertaining, people read to the end, and they’re much more likely to take action afterwards. ANYONE can add elements of humour to their writing. If you struggle to use humour in the text, gifs and visuals can come in handy.
Recommended reading – How to add humour to your writing
14 – Ensure Making the Point at the End
Though not necessary, it works great when you can summarize at the end of the post. In two or three lines, you can just sum up all that you have said in your post.
If it was a long post with several subheads, consider creating a box of points which makes it easier for the reader to take away the goodness.
It will leave an impact on the reader’s mind and he will be compelled to think about your post even after he has finished reading it.
Do your readers a favor by making your blog posts as tight and as short as possible. Make each word count and limit the scope of your content. Focus only on that information that is important to the eyes of your readers.
You should read it once or twice to see if it is interesting or not as you are your best critic and if you find a need, go edit again.
Best Blog post Layout & Structure
How do you layout a blog post? What is the best layout for a blog?
These are a few common questions I receive from beginner bloggers. There is no specific best blog post layout, however, there are best practices that has proven to work well.
The best blog post layout makes your reader feel easy with well formatted information and sections.
The following layout has worked great for me;
- A powerful and attention grabbing introduction/opening of the blog – Not more than 3 sentences and it must have your focus keyphrase.
- Use multiple headings and subheadings (H tags) to organize your blog posts effectively.
- Add one liner “facts”, “quotes”, “did you know stats” in between the content to break the monotony.
- Add a few “related posts links” in between to make it look more useful.
- Add a summary box at the end using bullet points.
- Add a powerful conclusion inviting the readers to take any action – not more than 3 sentences.
- Add videos, gifs and images/screenshots if relevant to add more life.
Best Blog Post Layout Examples
Check these posts:
- How to Start a Blog
- How to Monetize a Blog
- How to do Keyword Research for Blogs
- How to Find Your Profitable Blogging Niche
So, we are just done with a looooong post covering several elements to make a post compelling. You don’t have to remember or use all of them in every post you write or record. Just do enough to make it stand out. Keep in mind that incorporating relevant keywords in your blog writing is crucial for achieving optimal results.
How did you find this post? Did it help you learn and figure how to write a blog? Your feedback is precious. Share in comments.

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.
Sunita, this really helped! I have such a hard time getting started with my blog articles. I feel like I’m just being boring and writing for the heck of it. When I write it comes off as a big wall of text, and I’m not sure if people will really care to read through it all. I guess I need to add more humor or something. Staying focused is definitely key for me coz I tend to go off topic, kinda like how I am when I talk in person haha. Blog writing is definitely a skill that takes work and consistency.
Humour is hard but worth. Use when you really have something easy. Enjoy
Whoa, thanks Sunita!! Thanks so much, this is incredible. I’m so worried about what people think about my posts. I mean, it’s easy for me to read and I enjoy them but then again, they’re my articles – so of course I enjoy them. I mostly write about my travels and family matters too, so that alone makes me wonder if the content itself is very enticing for people to comment on. Is there a sweet spot for how many words are good to have on an average article? Thanks again!
Writing about personal life is good to break the monotony at times. Glad that you enjoy what you do.
I heard about the 80/20 rule which says you need to provide 80% value and 20% call to action or sales. I try to do that with every article I write so that my readers don’t feel uncomfortable and sold to. It’s gotta be natural. The tough part is making that 80% entertaining, know what I mean? I use images wherever possible coz it helps to break up the content and doesn’t make things so difficult on the eyes.
I usually start my blog articles with an allegory. I feel it’s a great way to introduce the topic and it hooks in my readers right away from the beginning. The skill at that point is keeping their interest once you’ve gotten into the subject itself and deliver the content or should I say, the meat of the subject. A great measure of ALL these things you mentioned here fits perfectly in making articles more enticing 🙂 Couldn’t agree more with you that these are great elements needed to make articles more interesting to the reader.
Good to know your opening style, Shelby. I wrote a post once about 10 ways of powerfully introducing your post. Have you read it? https://www.sunitabiddu.com/awesome-ideas-open-blogpost-effectively/
At the end of the day it’s all about how you relate with your people. I agree with so many of these points. You can’t fool anyone. If your goal is to just sell things, you’re not gonna get very far. But, if your goal is to entertain, educate or whatever, then it’s a really good idea to just be natural and flow as if you were speaking. Obviously, you want to impress your readers so throw in the pics and videos, throw in the jokes and stories… but what’s gonna make you last across all your articles is knowing who you are and expressing yourself naturally to your readers. That’s what they want. They want you and they want you to be authentic – so be authentic. Brilliant tips, Sunita!
Good to read your thoughts, Gary. They resonate with mine.
This is something I definitely needed to read! I love creating awesome content for my readers and this gives me a checklist to ensure optimum content! Thanks for the awesome tips!