We never know when we get new roads calling us. It was the end of 2014 when I decided to get into coaching industry with a full focus. I always loved what I did, chose to be and how I transformed my life being an online marketing strategist.
Never realized how I started helping entrepreneurs discover their voice and make it large enough to transform their personal and professional lives with blogging and social media.
It was a calling. And I heard it.
After several personal coaching programs and wonderful experiences, tomorrow is the first group training on power blogging. Gladly, I have got six amazing participants in my first group program and I am all ready, equipped and excited to begin this journey together.
Be with me 🙂 Wish me best of my and their hard work. We gonna win! Love Sunita Biddu

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.