The “Retweet” is among the best features on Twitter to extend your influence online. When used properly, these retweets can lead to more followers, more influence, and more web traffic.
“There are more than 100 million active users login daily on Twitter;”
however, the number of people that use Twitter at different times has already surpassed 320 million.
A large chunk of these people is on Twitter to learn more about business products, brands, and services, and you can influence them by taking steps that help you get more Retweets and Twitter Likes.
Here are the best 25 ways to see the difference:
1. Select a Right Time to Tweet
What difference would it make push out tweets when your followers aren’t around anyway? The time between 2pm and 6pm EST is the best time to send a tweet. What if your followers are not in the same time zone? Take advantage of apps and programs to analyze where your followers are from.
Use Tweroid to check when most of your followers are online and the best time to tweet.
Recommended Post: The Best Time to Tweet
2. Ask For a Retweet
Simply by adding the phrases” Please retweet”, “Please RT”, you can increase the chances of retweet by 160%. A call-to-action really matters a lot.
You Must Read This Post: 10 Easy Ways to Get More Retweets
3. Tweet Links
People like to “retweet” instructional posts and news updates the most. It means a tweet that refers to news updates or an online resource is more likely to be retweeted. Embed those links in your Tweet right after first 4-5 words to get more retweets and Twitter Likes.
4. Send Out Retweets
Promote others tweets and send out retweets more often than sending out a self-promotional tweet. I personally noticed a boost of over 80% in engagement when I doubled my retweeting to help others’ good content.
5. Avoid Tweets About Daily Activities
Avoid sending out tweets with common words like game, watching, home, work, night bed, listening, bored, etc. Share something unique and interesting than sending a tweet about your bedding time. Sending some cool personalized tweet that triggers humour once in a while is okay indeed.
6. Use Specific Words
Using certain words such as twitter, blog, social, free, please, social media, please retweet, check out, etc. are some of the most impactful words to use in your tweets.
Must Read: The 20 Words and Phrases That Will Get You the Most ReTweets
7. Send Short Tweets
Not leaving any room for retweets and using your quota of 140 characters will often make your followers to first edit your tweet before they can add in their comments and retweet it. Avoid it. Keep your tweet under 90 characters. Use link shortners like or for data driven link shortners.
8. Utilize #Hashtags
Tweets that use hashtags have more chances of getting retweeted. Microsoft conducted a research study involving 203,371 retweets and found that 18% of those that were retweeted contained #hashtag.

Hashtagify is a good tool to get better help with finding trending and rich hashtags.
9. Share Quotes
Pick such quotes that may strike a chord with your followers and you will increase your chances of getting more retweets and likes. Visual quotes are working even better these days. Use tools to create such visual text quotes in seconds.
You are doing things right when you are making more time for yourself as you make more money everyday. #money
— Sunita Biddu (@chillingbreeze) October 7, 2015
10. Know Your Audience
… and talk to them in their language and make your tweets more interested and improve your chances of getting likes and retweets. Nothing attracts people more than a great conversation. Further Recommendations: 6 Steps to Finding Your Twitter Audience
11. Add Images
Look for interesting, relevant, and meaningful engaging images to use with your tweets because tweets that contain images get 150% more tweets.

12. Share mini-infographics
You can also use charts with mini-infographics to improve your engagement rate and get more retweets and likes. Canva gives several options to create quick and short infographics.
Pls RT@ 10 things startups must do even before acquiring their 1st client. #startups #coaching #marketing #10things
— Sunita Biddu (@chillingbreeze) August 27, 2015
13. Make Them Laugh
Adding some humor to your tweets is one perfect way to make your followers like and retweet it. Cool gif images can a perfect fit for such on and off sharing. Just do not go overboard with the idea of making everyone laugh.
And in 48 hours, 60 of us would be like this :p Fun on! Full on! #Fantastico #Zica @indiblogger @ZicaTataMotors #goa — Sunita Biddu (@chillingbreeze) December 4, 2015
14. Leave Some Time Between Tweets
Never publish tweets in batches. It is not a good idea to send out three tweets in the span of a minute. Try tools and apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, SproutSocial to help stagger your tweets.
15. Keep it Unique
A quick Google search as well as Twitter Search will help you figure what is already out there and how you can keep things different and interesting.
16. Don’t Tweet Too Much
Just like maintaining a gap between tweets, you need to stick t an appropriate frequency. Staying between 7 and 10 tweets per day usually does the trick.
17. Follow Your Followers
Be sure to read what they have shared, answer their questions, and share their best stuff to inspire them to return the favor by giving you more retweets.
18. Reply to Tweets Publically
You can always send a direct message, but that will affect user engagement. Replying publically is a way to make your tweets visible to others who are following you, and this will establish you as a savvy Twitter user.
19. Create a Story
Try to share a story with your followers and they will definitely give you more retweets. Stories help create excitement and anticipation that gets you more followers and retweets.
20. Write Great Headlines
Killer headlines help grab people’s attention and play a role in increasing the number of clicks on your tweet.
Must Read: How to Write a Better Twitter Headline
21. Avoid Auto-Follow Option
This ensures that you do not end up following so many spammers that make your genuine followers run away. Brand your Twitter channel and follow people only after having a quick look at their profile.
22. Ask Questions
Asking compelling questions will help improve engagement and even get you more likes and followers.
23. Share New Ideas
Be creative and share something new that helps resolve an issue. Your followers will read it, like it, and even retweet it so their friends know it too.
5 basic but power points to rock on #Linkedin. #socialmedia
— Sunita Biddu (@chillingbreeze) September 18, 2014
24. Learn to Unfollow:
It is a good idea to unfollow people who do not follow you back. You can always use apps and tools to identify people who are not following you. They are never going to get you more likes or retweets.
25. Have a Twitter Audit
This helps analyse what works with your audience and what your followers do not like. Twitter analytics have given a brilliant dashboard to see your progress over time and create a strategy for maximum reach.
Must Read: Audit Your Twitter With These 8 Surefire Tests
Try these tips to turbo boost your Twitter following and make your Twitter brand known to everyone through new Twitter Likes and Retweets. Twitter is not going to help you or your business unless you know how to engage with your audience and attract new followers. Use these tips or work with a social media professional to help you learn the art of getting more retweets and likes.

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.
Excellent Articulation Sunita. You are a Social Media Pro & coming from you is like a gospel truth. I am learning the tricks of the trade on Twitter & will be in touch to enhance my Twitter Followers base. Cheers & will speak soon!