Attending FarmersOnly (Business Network) an year back was a quick & impulsive decision I never thought will bring such an incredible change and will turn out to be one of finest decision in my business life so far.
Interestingly, I never joined business networks for business purpose initially. Rather, I became a part of most only to learn how to meet, talk & interact with people and get social after staying in a cocoon for almost 6 years. Being a successful digital marketer & catering an international audience, I never had to step out of my home & office. And the moment I realized the booming online industry in India & value of tapping into domestic market, I found myself clueless in a vacuum with absolutely no social & local business network.
That’s where Farmersonly proved to be an unexpected blessing, my second home after my desk & living room. The intention was to meet people who could help me become a better and social person but never knew that it’d load me with huge business opportunities.
Those who do not know about FarmersOnly yet,
This is a dedicated platform that brings together Key Decision Makers to connect with each other and strengthen the community by building strong relationships.
When you go to a business network event with no business intentions, trust me, you end up gaining more than you ever imagined.
P.S: I have enjoyed great benefits of quality networks including online social media & other local groups but this post is dedicated to FarmersOnly as one of my best experience.
What exactly is business networking?
This is the practice of meeting people and establishing grounds of mutual trust, respect and sincere interest in each other that enables people to refer you to their friends & networks even if they do not have an immediate need of your services.
How does business networking help?
First thing first, networking is not only about going to various events, business groups & building a network, in fact, it’s more about reaching your network’s network to expand and build a high-value network where everybody can get immense value.
With the help of a strategic business networking training from Paritosh along with my personable attitude, I have gained some of the best business and personal relationships from FarmersOnly.
Networking has surprised me with more returns on investment than any other tools in my business, both in monetary and non-monetary terms. There is lot more to share in my eBook on the journey of an women entrepreneur and what role FarmersOnly has played in my business life.
My Take aways from Local Business Networks & Farmersonly
I’m currently a part of 3 local networks; Farmersonly, G Business Club & Women Energizers. It’s better to be consistent with a few networks & build up your credibility than being everywhere on and off. Here is what I gained from local networking & everybody can.
Amazing Friends for Life
Best of the things in life are priceless and go beyond money. I have got priceless friends like Paritosh Pathak, Richa Kaushik, Abhijit Roy, Ron Mcluckie, Uma & Suresh Manshermani, Ankur Jayaswal, Sarita, and more. Power coach, Gaurav Sareen is one gem of a friend I made from G Business Club.
We have spent awesome times from lunch to coffee, blabber and behave like kids as well as shared serious conversations on random topics. We may not have solve the world’s problem but being with friends definitely opened many blocks that I had.
The fact is straight & simple;
we need friends at both emotional & psychological level to share, to cheer, to listen & to make a difference in life.
Right advice at right time
There have been many times when I received golden tips from my network and they saved me from making silly moves. From many personal to professional advice, I got my track of life right after connecting to experienced business owners in my networks. The better your network, more knowledge & experience you can tap into.
Golden Business Opportunities
Now here comes the first direct monetary benefit. I come from a high ticket business where it’s a challenging for people to realize the value I offer, make a move and afford me. I could reach those level headed business partners who spots that value from nowhere but FarmersOnly platform.
Interestingly, the benefits of networking are amazing. If you have two choices who are equally qualified then, the one who you know, like and trust will win the game. And in a lot of cases even if it is “less” qualified.
The Social Capital
You are who you associate with. More I surrounded myself with the right people, more I could model myself with right habits, attitude & decision making skills. I could create a better me everyday and over time, my reputation started preceding me.
And The Networking Bummer
Make sure that you evaluate your network on regular basis, especially for your local business networks. If you’re not getting opportunities, you need to build your network. On the other hand, a bad network may not only leads to lack of opportunities but also keep your social capital at risk. It’s better to be a nobody than being known as an idiot. Hard, bitter but a truth.
Dear FarmersOnly, It’s my turn to pay you back
I owe a great deal to Farmersonly, my friends and contacts I made in last two years. I feel awesome and grateful that they bear me, accept me for what I am.
This is my turn to pay back to my favorite networking group now and always. I’m currently working on FarmersOnly website architecture to give it a new face and planning to begin with strategic digital marketing (SEO & Social Media) campaign in October.
I’m sure that I’d always be able to contribute to farmersonly family with my professional skills & networks to help it branch out and create more stories for business owners like me.
I’d like to close this post today with a cordial invitation to all of you for FarmersOnly business mixer in Gurgaon on August 22nd, 2013. We’ve planned to make this mixer a special one for many networking & non-networking reasons.
If you are in Gurgaon/Delhi/NCR, it’d be great to see you as a part of the elite business owners group on August 22nd. Just visit and register. Or email me (hello@ to express your interest and I’ll send a personal invitation. If you are not available for the upcoming mixer for any reason, FarmersOnly platform is always open for you.

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.
Loved the post…It’s always great reading you.
Lovely surprise to see you Seema. Hope you are doing well 🙂
Hey Sunita – thanks a lot for the most. It’s great reading so much praise for FarmersOnly, a platform I love so much.
Pleasure is all mine. Abhijit 🙂