As you put in the effort to grow your coaching practice, much of that effort should be aimed at attracting more prospects. Blogging for coaches has become a profound tool to generate steady new business and build a strong relationship with existing clients and readers.
In order to do so, you will want to make sure that your blog posts are doing some of that work for you.
You will want to ensure that you are sharing examples of your past work or providing answers about what you do.
Read on to learn more about how to do just that with the five best blog posts ideas that will help you attract more prospects.
1. Case Studies
Shares some of your more interesting case studies in the form of stories.
Instead of sharing vague details about your case, turn it into a story to create a connection between the content and the reader. This will help you to demonstrate that you can competently and professionally describe the situation, identify all of the relevant issues, and provide helpful analysis and solutions.
The result – A prospect may resonate and relate to the problem, maybe going through a similar issue and will be more confident in approaching you for professional help.
2. Common or Burning Questions
In coaching, there are going to be those questions that are universal amongst potential clients.
Address them in a blog post. This can be as simple as creating a list of frequently asked questions or sharing those burning questions that all clients ask. Include any and all questions that you believe have answers that are of interest to your readers.
Alternatively, you can choose to answer one question at a time per blog post. This is applicable to questions that demand examples and more detailed explanations.
Example: Does The Age of Your Website Affect Google Search Rankings?
3. Other Coaches’ or Clients’ Interviews
Sit down and interview colleagues in your field to discuss anything from the state of the industry to popular coaching questions. These do not have to be your competitors but professionals who can add value to your coaching and consulting offering.
For example, if you’re a fitness coach, you can interview a Yoga Coach. If you’re an executive business coach, you can interview a mindfulness or growth coach.
Or sit down and interview a client and post those details for your readers. This will give readers evidence of your ability to engage with clients and show that you are capable of coaching them to success.
Make sure you put your client as the Hero of the story. There are always clients and people who are happy to share their stories to inspire people.
Example: Jeff Bullas Interview | Nayug Mohnot’s Interview
4. Your Personal/Business/Life Lessons
Writing about yourself will let readers know there is a person on the other side of that blog.
Sharing lessons learned either in business or in life will create content that may help your reader connect emotionally and feel confident in choosing you when they have coaching needs.
For example, if you put your own time management advice into practice, share how you did so along with details of the time you saved. If you implemented some of your own leadership tips and saw increased employee engagement, provide the steps showing how you did so and what was achieved.
Lead by example. It always works.
Example: How Learning salsa Dance Made me a Better Entrepreneur
5. Mini Ready-to-Implement Practical Guides
This may seem like you are creating and giving away a free product. And yes, make no mistake, you certainly are.
This is also known as content marketing.
Creating a practical guide that a user can download and use will show readers that they can expect even more value if they hire you for their coaching and consulting needs. Some coaches share simple day planning templates. Nutrition coaches may share a one-week meal plan in PDF form. Find out what your readers will find useful and create your guide accordingly.
I have created several ready-to-use practical free digital resources and mini- How-Tos of Blogging & Social Media.
There is a lot of content online that is available to anyone who is looking for it. As your coaching or consulting business puts in the effort to find new prospects and clients, make sure you are spending your valuable time and energy to create the content that will attract them.
Don’t have a blog yet? Here is How to Start a Blog
Keen to learn professional blogging? I offer exclusive one on one blogging coaching
Following any or all of the above, best blog post ideas from my own experience will go a long way in demonstrating to these future customers the value that your services bring.
Over to you.
What has worked the best for you so far? What would you like to add to this list?

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.