This post was originally written for BizDivas magazine by Sunita Biddu
Twitter! It’s the rage. It’s everywhere today. At the same time, let’s accept the fact that it is one of the most daunting and demanding social networks around.
But uhh! We users are smarter. Let me share 5 steps to get started and build a powerful twitter presence investing only few minutes every day. I personally spend only 15 minutes a day & yet enjoying great reputation and revenue out of it [not referring the number of connections but an awesome quality of people I have].
1. Begin with designing your profile
The first connect starts with that awesome profile picture and an impressive 2 liner bio that grabs attention. Get a happy headshot for the display photo and use this formula for drafting a pro bio. Keep it short and hot.
“What you do + what makes you different + your hobbies + how you’re ready to help”
After multiple updates over the years, twitter has recently introduced headers to play around and represent what you do using great visuals. Try It’s a quick free tool to get some cool header visuals until you decide and design a custom header.
2. Use The Right Hashtags
Whether you’re a beginner at twitter or someone who is already been for a while, the right use of hashtags can change your twitter experience completely. Search with your industry focus keywords (without space) and join the conversations.
Be the first to respond on posts if possible. You’ll get noticed faster.
For example, if you’re a health coach, you may want to search with #healthyrecipes presuming food plays an important role in maintaining great health.
However, make sure you read through the conversation and build on it with great sense of humor and personality. Follow the relevant people with busiest conversation. They can be become your influencers later.
[tweetherder]”Remember that people on any social network will connect and stay connected for a reason, Make it a good reason.”[/tweetherder]
[box type=”box” width=”” template=”” align=”left” color=”blue”]Follow this 3 factor rule always.
- Relevant message (what makes people attract & connect),
- Right audience (who’s online now), and
- Right time (when’s the perfect moment to publish this message)[/box]
Twitter has introduced their analytics for all the users just recently and this is as awesome and insightful as twitter’s benefits. Check out the detailed posts done by web marketing school on how to use twitter analytics to power up your presence.
3. Let people know
They wouldn’t know until you inform. This is how you can do a subtle and acceptable broadcasting among your friends and industry connections.
- Use your twitter handle in email signature.
- Send a short and nice email to your contacts and encourage them to connect with you on twitter. Write a few lines how important it is and how you’re enjoying already. Guess what, you not only got followers but also helped many open and try this chirpy social network.
- Cross connect your twitter with Facebook & Linkedin.
- Be Consistent… Everyday
Like every other good social network, twitter demands you, your time and a great participation. Spare minimum 15 minutes at twitter every day. More is merrier. Twitter is active with maximum users between 1pm-3pm. Use this high time of the day when you’re short of time.
4. Use Tools
Let me conclude the article with some freesome awesome stuff. These 4 free twitter tools will make your twitter life easier.
[box type=”box” width=”” template=”” align=”left” color=”blue”]Hootsuite – Easy scheduling and management
Tweetbeep – Keep track of your mentions, company and everything related to you.
ManageFlitter – Great tool to help you filter the best twitter performers and users so you can invest your time with right tweeple.
JustUnfollow – Use the “copy followers” feature of this tool and get connected to the quality people who follow your industry influencers. [/box]
In my last article about 5 great apps for working women, I spoke about flipboard app. Try this for twitter and you’d fall in love with the app (and me for telling you). The way it makes reading, replying and saving for later easy for you, you can get the most out of twitter.
Twitter gives you the chance and platform to be heard by masses. Try it and dominate using these 4 steps!

Sunita Biddu is a digital business coach and power blogging mentor helping coaches and small business owners. She helps with building a strong and profitable online presence and reputation that creates a self-sustaining business. Sunita writes on this blog once a week about easy-to-use guides and articles about business, coaching, social media and blogging. You can grab some of her free resources and ebooks from the resources section.